Sunday, May 28, 2017

“Bite Me,” by Christopher Moore

FM's ratings:
  1. Premise 10
  2. Prose 9
  3. Plot 8
  4. Characters 8
  5. Overall 9
Comments (optional - but try to keep it under 3000 words!)

My first Christopher Moore and I feel so violated! Actually I love writing like this, akin to Chuck Palahniuk but more abstract and less cerebral. I have described Palahniuk’s work as brilliant writing with profound meaning disguised as cheap entertainment. “Bite Me” doesn’t try to be as profound; just damn good story-telling and, yes, disguised as cheap entertainment. No, the prose is not “literary,” and yet it is very intelligent and appeals to our intelligence – IF we can be open-minded enough. Abby Normal, the petite Goth Chick is unforgettable as she kicks the novel off with, “The City of San Francisco is being stalked by a huge, shaved vampire cat named Chet, and only I, Abby Normal, emergency backup mistress of the Greater Bay Area night, and my manga-haired love monkey, Foo Dog, stand between the ravenous monster and a bloody massacre of the general public. Which isn’t, like, as bad as it sounds, because the general public kind of sucks ass.” Irresistible! In her chapters, told in first person as a kind of journal, her Nouveau-Valley Girl patter is mesmerizing. “So upstairs I’m all, ‘There’s a dead guy and a huge kitty in a sweater on your steps.’ And the Countess and Flood are all, ‘Whatever.’ And I’m all, ‘And there was a limo full of stoners here who were totally hunting you.’ And they were all, ‘Whoa.’” Who could turn away from that?! Actually, who could pull that off with flying colors, and the answer is, Christopher Moore. Will I read more by Moore? Can’t wait!

June is movie month! Books made into movies! Here’s the June line-up!

"Fight Club," by Chuck Palahniuk [6-3-17]
"The Lovely Bones," by Alice Sebold [6-10-17]
"The Color Purple," by Alice Walker [6-17-17]
"The Green Mile," by Stephen King [6-24-17]

(As always, if there are any books you’d like to recommend for next month, please do so. Also, if you have already read one on our previous lists, you are invited to send your ratings and or comments for that book!)

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