Sunday, February 11, 2018

“The Ape Who Guards the Balance,” by Elizabeth Peters

FM’s ratings:
  1. Premise 6
  2. Prose 7
  3. Plot 5
  4. Characters 10
  5. Overall 7
Comments (optional - but try to keep it under 3000 words!)

Yes, a rather lopsided grouping of ratings. The book is worth reading, if only for the excellent characters; but only just. The plot line is so ridiculously “padded,” encumbered by so much pointless literary ornamentation that it’s almost possible to miss it completely until near the end. The prose verges on stilted, but wouldn’t detract as much if the plot held together better. The setting would get an “8” or a “9” for its uniqueness and atmosphere, but the visual aspect is limited to colorful sunrises, sunsets, and sparse descriptions of the, well, sparseness of the Egyptian desert. Oh, and dress. As a male, I simply didn’t place as much importance on the descriptions of wardrobe as did the author. The premise tries to be more interesting than your standard murder attempts, but doesn’t really impress. But the characters – very effectively realized much more so than in other books I’ve read by the same writer. The love interests are actually a plus; not merely standard fare for a novel aimed at a female readership, but intelligently explored. My wife, who is extremely picky about works of fiction and not at all susceptible to “chick-lit”, actually recommended this book to me, but I believe the aspects she enjoyed were the same as mine. It’s been a long time since I read one of Peters’ books; and it may be even longer until the next one.

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