Friday, September 21, 2012

Legend in Green Velvet, (Chapters 5-7)

This segment begins an escalation of the chase.  The hero and heroine are discovered in his father’s castle by someone who is more than happy to turn them in, and off they go, on a desperate run to avoid capture.  If the sequence of events from this moment until the “bad guys” finally catch them seems to be unnecessarily drawn out, at least we see story and character development along the way.  We pick up clues with the main characters along the way which further develop the plot as well as the suspense. 

The love interest between Susan and James threatens to get out of control at one point, but the author deftly reins it in with a slip of the tongue by … Susan!  Gee, it’s not the guy for a change; what a nice touch!  Although, as excited as James seemed to have been getting, it’s hard to imagine most men being put off much by being accidentally referred to as a famous royal personage.  And the fact that he uses his resemblance to that person to strategic advantage on a couple of occasions, to get them out of a sticky situation or two, would seem to be enough to mitigate his attitude somewhat.  Maybe we’ll learn more later in the story why the resemblance bothers him so much.   

The introduction of the three elderly women doctors with their motorcycle which they gladly part with, thinking that they’re helping a famous national hero that James resembles seems a little unnecessary to the story.  But again, maybe this is more than just “filler.”  Giving the author the benefit of the doubt, maybe these ladies will somehow work their way back into the story later on to become a factor contributing to its satisfactory conclusion. 

Toward the end of this segment, we finally get to know our antagonists a little better as the heroes locate them and attempt to spy on them.  The fact that they’re caught almost instantly is a nice touch of hardcore realism, and a good demonstration that their number one nemesis really is as effectively dangerous as he seems to be.  That this section ends with them being led to a torture chamber of sorts is another nice, unexpected touch  

James’ rocky relationship with his father and the older man’s involvement with some vaguely questionable people seem to hint at complications that we will see some resolution of later in the plot.  It’s tempting to conjecture that perhaps the father and his associates will, in some direct or indirect way, come to the rescue.  But that seems to be assuming far too much.  Ms. Peters appears to be leading the reader to something altogether unexpected, not something that an experienced reader of Mysteries would necessarily be able to predict with any confidence.  Whether the resolution of the mystery will be as satisfying as the tale seems to warrant remains to be seen.  I am, however, rather optimistic that this will indeed be the case!

Next segment: Conclusion

Our book for October will be Witches on the Road Tonight, by Sheri Holman! Start looking for a copy right away, as this one is a little newer (copyright 2011), so it might be a little harder to find in used book stores or libraries.

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